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Saturday, 25 June 2016

Keep Peaceful And Support People With Vitiligo : World Vitiligo Day

Vitiligo is an acquired disorder of pigmentation mainly affecting the skin in which loss of functioning of melanocyte results in white patches on the skin with varying size and location. Usually leucoderma and vitiligo are known to be synonyms but many authors have said that progressive stage of leucoderma is considered as vitiligo. Causes of leucoderma may be a combination of genetic, immunologic, biochemical and neurogenic factors. Leucoderma or vitiligo is considered as a social stigma in our country. Affected individuals are always in constant depression with feeling of being socially outcast.

Leucoderma or vitiligo does not differentiate between races, sex, religion or even socio-economic groups. Anyone can develop this condition. Of the 1% of world's population suffering from leucoderma, 8.8% of the cases are recorded in India. Leucoderma may affect any part of the body. 30% patients have a family history of Leucoderma wherein 20% may have the condition of an underlying disease. Almost 95% develop the condition before the age of 40. Ayurvedic Treatment plan start with measures to arrest the ongoing aggravation of dosha in the body. Digestive tract is targeted first with implementation of appropriate diet. Once all Etiological factors have been addressed, proper elimination of Toxins and balancing of Dosha are the primary focus areas for Switra. The prime aim is to eradicate the Etiological factors. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to successfully treating the disease. The main aim for each and every treatment of Ayurveda is to treat the root cause. The key for restoring the health of Vitiligo patient is only described in ayurveda which includes physical, Mental and Social Health.

The quest to cure the Leucoderma (vitiligo) has finally ended with the development of a new herbal product under the brand name "LUKOSKIN", with extensive studies by the scientists of Defence Institute of Bio-energy Research (DIBER), Haldwani, a laboratory of DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. 'LUKOSKIN is a patented and proprietary formulation developed by defense Agricultural Research laboratory (DARL) a wing of defence research & development organization (DRDO) after exhaustive scientific studies establishing its efficacy and safety in the patients of Leucoderma.

The main challenges faced in treating Leucoderma are to modulate immunity, improve the lifestyle and dietary habits of the patient and the most important challenge of all is to fight the social stigma that the patients go through, changing social misconception about Leucoderma. With the development of a research product by DRDO, Lukoskin, it is now possible to treat leucoderma ,a so called incurable disease. Now it is possible to treat old cases to a great extent and provide complete cure in new leucoderma cases.

In future, early detection and right treatment will protect the new generation from this social stigma.With the development of a research product by DRDO, Lukoskin, it is now possible to treat leucoderma ,a so called incurable disease. Now it is possible to treat old cases to a great extent and provide complete cure in new leucoderma cases. In future, early detection and right treatment will protect the new generation from this social stigma .

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Why Yoga Is Important For Leucoderma Patients ?

The International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21, 2016 all over the world  to raise awareness worldwide of the  benefits of yoga.Yoga plays a vital role in healthy life. It is beneficial for human being. But, we can see nowadays people have busy schedule and they took Yoga lightly. They sleep at late night and woke up late morning. That is why they are facing many problems like heart problem, breathing problem, and also feel stressful. Stress plays an important role in precipitating autoimmune diseases in patients predisposed to them. 

As far as I’m concerned, Yoga shows importance of healing process in Leucoderma Disease. Yoga is very effective in leucoderma. A disorder or autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes in the skin. The melanocyte cells gets dead which causes absence of pigments over the skin. It is termed as leucoderma. As yoga detoxifies the body & mind it is helpful to cope up with the condition of autoimmunity.

Yoga is one of those ancient therapies which enable you to fight with your skin problems, Leucoderma is one of them. The prohibition of Alcohol and smoking will also solve your skin problems. Yoga may reduce risk factors and aid in a patient's psychological healing process.

If leucoderma patients apply the yoga in daily routine and continuing this process in their life’s after few months they may get faster recovery of this disease and live without stress.


Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) 

 This asana is very beneficial for leucoderma patients. This asana resembles a serpent with its hood raised. Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana is part of the sequence of yoga postures in Padma Sadhana and Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.  This Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. 

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) 

This yoga posture has been named after the shape it takes – that of a bow. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) is part of the Padma Sadhana sequence


Gomukhasana is another yoga technique which prevents enlargement of the testicles and calcium deposits in the shoulder joints. This yoga technique best for respiratory disorders, hypertensions & cardiac complaints.


This is one of the most wonderful yoga position that few of us take the time to do and most of us need. It is gentle inversion that helps to relieve the effects of stress by soothing the nervous system.


This yoga asans or pose is excellent for any yoga routine intended for the improvement of flexibility and balance.


Vakrasana is also known as the Ardha Matsyendrasana or the half spinal twits pose or the half lord of the fishes pose. This Yoga asana is named after yogi Matsyendranath. Below is a video on how to perform Vakrasana.


Padmasana or Lotus pose is a cross-legged yoga posture which helps deepen meditation by calming the mind and alleviating various physical ailments.

Almost any yoga practice you do will benefit your skin, But by following above yoga postures you can fight with any problem or any skin issues. Yoga gives you a healthy mind and body and in turn makes your skin glow. Once can naturally produce glowing skin or disease free skin by making one look younger, healthier and more beautiful.”

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Donate Blood And Make A Difference : World Blood Donation Day

World Blood Donor Day is observation 14th every year in the month of June. This day is celebrated as one the most important day in Indian history. It is not harmful for an adult person to donate blood. Donating blood may be one of the most important things you’ve ever done. World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on the day of birthday anniversary of Karl Landsteiner on 14 June in 1868. It is a safe and easy process which takes approximately 45 minutes.

Blood donation is a lifesaver. Because there is no artificial substitute for human blood, someone needs donated human blood every 2 seconds in the United States. And even one donation can help save the lives of up to three people. More excellent facts about the importance of blood donation are available at the American Red Cross.

Donating blood costs you nothing, except a little time. But the benefits for your health and your community are priceless.Why should a person donate Blood? You don’t need a special reason to give blood; you just need your own reason. Some of us give blood because we were asked by a friend. Some know that a family member or a friend might need blood some day. Some believe it is the right thing we do. The number one reason donors say they give blood is because they “want to help others.

Whatever your reason, the need is constant and your contribution is important for a healthy and reliable blood supply. And you’ll feel good knowing you’ve helped change a life. Did You Know ? Every 3 second someone in the word need blood. So on this World Blood Donation Day celebrate the gift of blood.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Anxiety And White Patches (Safed Daag) With Dr. Nitika Kohli

Vitiligo also known as leucoderma is a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation of patches of skin. Leucoderma is acquired disorder of pigmentation mainly affecting the skin in which loss of functioning of melanocyte results in white patches on the skin with varying size and location.
VITILIGO & LEUCODERMA are two different terms used for the same skin disease. But, there exists causative difference between these two. Literally ‘Leucoderma’ means ‘white skin’. Terming it a disease is not appropriate because it does not cause any organic default and it starts without any symptom. So, basically it is a ‘skin disorder’.

Leucoderma is a multi-factorial disease and hence there are many factors which cause formation or spreading of white patches. When you faced Anxiety more and more White Patches are spread quickly.Most of the time every patients face anxiety and some of the patients accept this condition. Many patients feel nervous when faced with a problem of white patches.But with treatment, many patients can manage those feelings and get back to a fulfilling life.

The patients stress and anxiety causes an obstacle in the patient's personal relationships, careers, or social functioning. Stress plays an important role in precipitating autoimmune diseases in patients predisposed to them. Anxiety disorders are different, though. They can cause such distress that it interferes with your ability to lead a normal life.


Centella asiatica is unique herbs which play a vital role for treatment of leucoderma. Centella asiatica (Mandookparni) has liver restoring properties which gradually improves the auto-immune system and simultaneously exerts soothing effect on CNS(Central Nervous System), thus helps improve Psycological and Emotional trauma in the patients. The scientific study revealed immune-modulating activity of Centella asiatica (Mandookparni) with regards to both non-specific cellular and humoral immune response.

Watch above this video and how to treat your anxiety and White Patches with helpful tips and you can take guidance from our leucoderma experts Dr. Nitika Kohli.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Ayurveda Treats White Patches (Safed daag) safely

White patches, or Safed daag; is a pigmentation ailment of skin. Leucoderma (Safed Daag) or Vitiligo is a common skin disease in which there is a gradual loss of the pigment melanin from the skin layers which results in white patches. These patches become enlarge as the time passes.

Vitiligo is an acquired sudden loss of the inherited skin color. Despite its long recognition, the cause of this disorder is still unknown. Vitiligo is never a contagious disease, but infective agents may apparently play an indirect role in some cases.In Ayurveda, it is clearly mentioned that use of incompatible food can cause development of white patches. Incompatible foods like milk and fish, milk and radish, milk and salt when taken together they produce toxins.

Ayurvedic Treatment at Aimil Healthcare and Research Centre for leucoderma starts with the arrest on the ongoing disturbances in the body. Digestive tract is targeted first with implementation of appropriate diet. The proper elimination of the toxins and balancing the disturbances are the primary focus areas for Leucoderma.

Healthy Diet restriction has much important role in Vitiligo and Leucoderma. Vitiligo & Leucoderma treatment also require food restriction for proper healing of patches. The diet restriction also helps in control of spread in Vitiligo.

If you are suffering with vitiligo or leucoderma and are seeking treatment, call Aimil Healthcare Clinics now to book a consultation with one of our experienced leucoderma specialist Dr. Nitika Kohli and get your treatment plan started today.