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Tuesday 21 June 2016

Why Yoga Is Important For Leucoderma Patients ?

The International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21, 2016 all over the world  to raise awareness worldwide of the  benefits of yoga.Yoga plays a vital role in healthy life. It is beneficial for human being. But, we can see nowadays people have busy schedule and they took Yoga lightly. They sleep at late night and woke up late morning. That is why they are facing many problems like heart problem, breathing problem, and also feel stressful. Stress plays an important role in precipitating autoimmune diseases in patients predisposed to them. 

As far as I’m concerned, Yoga shows importance of healing process in Leucoderma Disease. Yoga is very effective in leucoderma. A disorder or autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes in the skin. The melanocyte cells gets dead which causes absence of pigments over the skin. It is termed as leucoderma. As yoga detoxifies the body & mind it is helpful to cope up with the condition of autoimmunity.

Yoga is one of those ancient therapies which enable you to fight with your skin problems, Leucoderma is one of them. The prohibition of Alcohol and smoking will also solve your skin problems. Yoga may reduce risk factors and aid in a patient's psychological healing process.

If leucoderma patients apply the yoga in daily routine and continuing this process in their life’s after few months they may get faster recovery of this disease and live without stress.


Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) 

 This asana is very beneficial for leucoderma patients. This asana resembles a serpent with its hood raised. Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana is part of the sequence of yoga postures in Padma Sadhana and Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.  This Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. 

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) 

This yoga posture has been named after the shape it takes – that of a bow. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) is part of the Padma Sadhana sequence


Gomukhasana is another yoga technique which prevents enlargement of the testicles and calcium deposits in the shoulder joints. This yoga technique best for respiratory disorders, hypertensions & cardiac complaints.


This is one of the most wonderful yoga position that few of us take the time to do and most of us need. It is gentle inversion that helps to relieve the effects of stress by soothing the nervous system.


This yoga asans or pose is excellent for any yoga routine intended for the improvement of flexibility and balance.


Vakrasana is also known as the Ardha Matsyendrasana or the half spinal twits pose or the half lord of the fishes pose. This Yoga asana is named after yogi Matsyendranath. Below is a video on how to perform Vakrasana.


Padmasana or Lotus pose is a cross-legged yoga posture which helps deepen meditation by calming the mind and alleviating various physical ailments.

Almost any yoga practice you do will benefit your skin, But by following above yoga postures you can fight with any problem or any skin issues. Yoga gives you a healthy mind and body and in turn makes your skin glow. Once can naturally produce glowing skin or disease free skin by making one look younger, healthier and more beautiful.”


  1. "Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame"

    World Yoga day

  2. For leucoderma patients yoga is one of the therapy of healing it keep healthy and stress free.

  3. Yoga is very effective in vitiligo. As yoga detoxifies the body & mind, it is helpful to cope up with the condition of autoimmunity.

  4. Yoga is a most important for everyone’s life as it helps in balancing the relationship between body and mind.

  5. Thanks for a great post! I am lover of yoga and I always enjoy the yoga. I believe that yoga has the power to reduce the stress ,anxiety, and stop the door for disease. Really, this blog is very important for yoga lovers.

  6. Very huge information about yoga and vitiligo patient, I never aspect that yoga can be play a vital role in Leucoderma disease.

  7. Doing yoga practice is very beneficial for our health. It also helps to treat many of the diseases. There are so many asanas which are helpful for leucoderma patients like : Bhujangasana and Dhanurasana. So Leucoderma patients must do yoga.

  8. I have started the yoga for some time and I can immediately feel the positive effects that they have on me. I am just too happy to have started practicing them. Such as nice information!
