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Monday 28 November 2016

Marriage and White Patches (Safed Daag)

When it comes to marry, people always find beautiful partner. Marriage is the intimate union and equal partnership of a man and a woman. It is a beautiful word which unites two people of different sex, casts and religion. But if you are suffering from any disorder like Safed Daag  it becomes difficult for you to get married.

India is a country which is full of several narrow minded people. They thought marrying with people who are suffering from skin conditions make them embarrass or feel shame in the society. So they neglect to marry with the affected person. Vitiligo, Safed Daag, Kod, Phulvari. call it by any name, it is the most socially dreaded condition. This skin condition itself is simply an appearance of white patches on the skin, which are initially small and slightly lighter than the surrounding skin. Millions of people of all races and  ethnicities worldwide have Vitiligo. Often referred to as "white leprosy," women with it are often discriminated against in marriage; if they develop Vitiligo after marriage, it can be grounds for divorce. More than man, women of marriageable age faced this disorder. It becomes very difficult for them to find a good life partner for them.

Many people with vitiligo faced difficulty to find a partner. Though the stigma has reduced over the years, people still haven't opened up enough to marry someone with the problem. Hence it is life-changing even though it is neither contagious nor life-threatening. Those afflicted with Vitiligo and their families face social stigmatization leading to low self-esteem, anxiety, embarrassment, anger and even serious depression.

If an unmarried girl or boy starts getting White Patches, firstly she or he faces the problem of marriage proposals, especially in those countries where arranged marriages are still more common.
As people are not aware about leucoderma (white patches) and its causes, they feel scared of relating with the white patches affected individuals. Mostly, they reject proposals of Leucoderma or White Patches affected patients. 

Vitiligo is not a serious condition but it can be improved if a person take proper medication and follow proper diet. If you are suffering from white patches and faces difficulty to find a suitable partner. Don’t worry s a team of aimil healthcare and research center we are here to help you.

Our Ayurveda expert, Doctor Nitika Kohli has given Cosmetics Tips for unmarried girl or boy:
• Avoid use of chemicals
• Use Herbal Products at most
• Avoid harsh sunlight
• Use full sleeve clothes and umbrella in the harsh sunlight
• In marriage, use herbal cosmetics rather than chemicals

Watch and Subscribe this video and know more useful tips to get rid of White Patches


  1. Some patients just rely on  Natural Treatment of Vitiligo  to manage their skin condition. Let me share to you some of the popular natural home remedies for vitiligo with Aloe Vera gel.

  2. Thanks Dr Nikita for the insight. Yes, it is true that vitiligo becomes a major hurdle in getting married. Even after married, vitiligo can become the ground for divorce. To addrss this issue, is a matrimonial site for people with vitiligo & other skin conditions.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The pain of female patients with vitiligo is overwhelming. Every parent wants a perfect bride for their son. I have written a detailed article on various problems faced by people with vitiligo during marriage and their solutions

  5. Vitiligo Natural cure oil cannot be done with 100% assurance. It is because of the fact that the skin disorder is not 100% curable. Rather it can be recovered up to some extent.
